Setting up a company in Estonia

The cost of setting up a company in Estonia is 950 Eur + VAT (all included!).

Ettevõtlusega alustamine Eestis on suurepärane lahendus ettevõtjatele, kes plaanivad laieneda Euroopa Liidu kaugematesse piirkondadesse. Eesti on mitteresidentidest
investoritele fantastiline oma võimalusega suhelda mitte ainult eesti, vaid ka inglise ja vene keeles ning lisaks ka külalislahke investeerimiskeskkond.

To open a company in Estonia, you need:

To set up a company in Estonia, you do not have to leave your home country and the share capital can be deposited for 10 years from the date of incorporation (if the share capital does not exceed 25000€).

Establishment in Estonia requires the existence of a registered address in the country.

If you are not a permanent resident, you would also need to have a “contact person” (this became compulsory from 15 January 2018).

Küll aga on meie käsutuses kinnitatud aadress ja kontaktisik Eestis. Seega pole vaja muud, kui välja mõelda ettevõtte nimi ja omada e-posti aadressi.

Although Estonia is part of the Baltic region, it has a Scandinavian approach to business and the
economy. The country's economy is growing at an impressive rate every year. Estonia is a big
advantage is also its excellent geographical location, which ensures unlimited contacts with both the
Scandinavia, the Baltic States and other European countries. Estonia makes double taxation a thing of the past
with as many as 30 countries, the VAT rate is 20% and transactions in EU countries are tax-free.

Benefits of opening a business in Estonia:

It should also be mentioned that the founding company does not have to have employees and the members of the board of directors can pay dividends.

Another big advantage of doing business in Estonia is the 0% retained earnings tax.

The tax system implements unprecedented rewards, i.e. income tax is only paid when profits are distributed. If a company has not paid its profits to shareholders but has invested in expanding its business, it does not have to pay income tax.

The tax system implements unprecedented rewards, i.e. income tax is only paid when profits are distributed. If a company has not paid its profits to shareholders but has invested in expanding its business, it does not have to pay income tax.

Although Estonia is not a big country, it has developed an excellent business policy with even better
investment opportunities, so it's worth considering Estonia before setting up a business elsewhere.

LCPC aims to provide you and your business with high quality assistance. Setting up a company is one of the first steps in building your business and we will help you on this journey together!

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